July 26, 2018

The three hosts of "Fox and Friends" were very excited that nine House Freedom Caucus members filed paperwork to impeach Rod Rosenstein, but Fox News' senior legal analyst explained how unconstitutional and ridiculous their actions were.

Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade are like so many other Fox News hosts who take the words from the most destructive caucus in Congress, the House Freedom Caucus as sacrosanct.

It's been proved time and time again that under the Trump administration they are the most corrupt hand of the government, whose sole purpose has been to destroy the FBI and Robert Mueller's credibility while they investigate Russian's cyber warfare against the U.S. and Trump connections to the hostile government.

Judge Napolitano joined the couch this morning, and Brian Kilmeade opened up by saying, "Judge, you're not for this symbolic move."

Napolitano loves the Freedom Caucus members because they espouse the type of limited government he approves of.

Napolitano said, "On this, I profoundly disagree with them, and it doesn't matter what I think, the Constitution says there's a very, very narrow basis for impeachment..."

"Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors," he said.

Rod Rosenstein has been trying to protect the integrity of the investigation by keeping House Republicans away from the classified information that members of the Freedom Caucus want to expose to derail the special counsel investigations.

Doocy replied, "It's a little vague."

Oh, no it's not. The Justice Department and the FBI do not have to turn over documents pertaining to an ongoing investigation. That's not impeachable.

Doocy was sympathetic to the wackos of the Freedom Caucus and said, "what do you expect these members of Congress who are frustrated with the Department of Justice --- they asked for months and months and months for certain documents, which they are entitled to and have been stonewalled..."

They are not entitled to them at all. Doocy remarked that they are going to cough up some documents now.

Napolitano replied, "They are going to cough them up because of threats like this, which are in my opinion wrong and baseless, but embarrassing for everybody involved."

This is true, of course. The Freedom Caucus has not minded destroying the reputation of Congress along with Chairman Devin Nunes.

Then the judge made a statement of fact that he has been making for some time on Fox News' airwaves every time House Republicans demand to see documents regarding an ongoing investigation.

Napolitano said, "The DOJ has a legitimate, lawful basis for keeping certain documents secret in a pending investigation. I want this Mueller thing over as soon as possible, but it is still pending, and you would be interfering with it if you forced the public revelation of some of those documents.”

Kilmeade falsely claimed that if Rosenstein had a legitimate reason to hold back documents, meadows and Jordan would back off.

Then Brian created a new conspiracy theory that the Deputy AG is dragging out replying to Congress until the Democrats can take back the House "so he doesn't have to deal with it."

"It's hard to argue with that, " Kilmeade said.

A more plausible explanation is that Rod Rosenstein is trying to protect the integrity of the special counsel investigations and not let it get bamboozled by the frauds in the Freedom Caucus.

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