CNN: Backstabbing Scott Pruitt Lobbied To Replace Sessions
Credit: Raw Story
July 3, 2018

Who wants to start a pool on the identity of the person leaking all of the horrible Scott Pruitt stories coming out lately? Here is a guy who is corrupt from top to bottom and every which way from Sunday. Yet Scott "The Taker" Pruitt -- who could possibly be the poster child for corrupt and greedy politicians -- has the absolute gall to apparently ask Trump to replace current Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III with his own corrupt self.


Embattled Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt directly appealed to President Donald Trump this spring to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions and let him run the Department of Justice instead, according to three people familiar with the proposal. In an Oval Office conversation with Trump, Pruitt offered to temporarily replace Sessions for 210 days under the Vacancies Reform Act, telling the President he would return to Oklahoma afterward to run for office.

Pruitt's direct appeal to the President has not been reported previously.

Advisers quickly shot down the proposal, but it came at a time when Trump's frustration with Sessions over his decision to recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation had resurfaced. Trump has complained loudly and publicly about the recusal for the last 14 months, and floated replacing Sessions with Pruitt as recently as April.

I tend to agree with CAP Action's Jesse Lee's analysis:

What should disturb us all: Scott Pruitt is utterly to-his-bones corrupt. Jeff Sessions is utterly to-his-bones a racist SOB. Neither one of them has any business being in the cabinet of any White House, and yet here we are.

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