July 3, 2018

Yes, yes, I'm totally with Michelle Wolf, recognizing that CNN actually PAYS Rick Santorum to come on the air and lie, and they should NOT do that, thank you very much.

But it's Alisyn Camerota's job to host him, and if she has to do that, the least she can do is not put up with any BS, particularly when it comes to something as seriously racist and morally wrong as Trump's policies regarding immigration and family separation.

Santorum tries to make-believe that if a family claims they are seeking asylum, they aren't separated. That is simply not true, and Camerota says so. Transcript via CNN, h/t Heather:

SANTORUM: Yes. Asylum seekers are not separated. That -- I mean that's been very clear and that's --

CAMEROTA: Yes, they are. Yes, they are, Rick. Yes, they are.

SANTORUM: No, they're not.

CAMEROTA: Yes, they are.

SANTORUM: If you -- if you come to the border and appeal -- and make an appeal for asylum, you are not separated from your children.

CAMEROTA: Yes. Rick, no, I wish that that were true. They have been separated.

Here's the "L.A. Times." They've sent reporters there to try to do the digging that obviously the Trump administration is not doing and not wanting us to know. Here it is. This was yesterday. The practice of separating families appears to have begun accelerating last year, long before zero tolerance was announced in the spring. Among these cases, according to records and interviews, there are many that happened at ports of entry. They weren't coming across just randomly. These were at ports of entry. Court filings describe numerous cases in recent months in which families were separated after presenting themselves at a port of entry to ask for asylum. They did it to everyone. This was a zero-tolerance policy, Rick. It was even for asylum seekers.

SANTORUM: Well, I don't know what happened....

And then Rick went and picked up his paycheck. Really, CNN, you can do better.

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