MSNBC's Jacob Soboroff was granted limited access to a former Walmart facility that has been turned into a prison to house all the immigrant children ripped away from their families by the new Trump policy.
And guess who's the first president they see as they line up for food?
This is sick and disgusting. The inscription on the wall reads "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war" in English and in Spanish, as if to tell those children they are just pawns in some kind of sick racist global war.
Soboroff warns that many tent cities are going to be set up on federal properties like military bases that will not be required to be licensed because of the massive inflow after Trump targeted the kids.
The facilities are clean but the children are warehoused like sardines in a can -- in a facility with 250,000 square feet.
Shame on us all.
Karoli contributed to this post