This trailer of a phony movie was played before Trump gave his press conference after signing a very flimsy statement with North Korea. It was very bizarre.
June 12, 2018

Trump was so certain that he would sign some kind of an agreement that he had produced a propaganda picture show to the North Korean leader on an Ipad depicting them both as other worldly figures of colossal stature.

Destiny Pictures presents a story of opportunity. A new story, a new beginning. One of peace. Two men, two leaders, one destiny. A story about a special moment in time, when a man is presented with one chance which may never be repeated. What will he choose? To show vision and leadership? Or not?

I kid you not.

And then before his press conference, he previewed it to the entire media.

Trump was very proud of the trailer and was later asked about it.

"Mr. President, could you tell us about the video you showed? When did you show that to Kim?"


"What was the goal?"

"We had it made up by — I hope you liked it. I thought it was good. I thought it was interesting enough to show. One in English and one in Korean. We had it made up. I showed it to them today. Actually during the meeting. Toward the end of the meeting. I think he loved it. They were — we didn’t have a big screen like you have the luxury. We had it on cassette. An iPad. They played it. About eight of their representatives were watching it. I thought they were fascinated by it. I thought it was well done..."

Buzzfeed has a nice breakdown of the entire fake film:

Not sure what Kim thought of the trailer, but considering he said that people will think of his meeting with Trump as "a scene from a science fiction movie," he probably digs it.

Which is more ridiculous: Trump's fake movie or Kim's porta-potty?

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