Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino reported on Monday that publishers are wary of a book being shopped by Donald Trump Jr. because he might be charged in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.
Charlie Gasparino told Fox Business host Neil Cavuto that multiple publishers had so far declined to publish the book, which is expected to be a full-throated defense of President Donald Trump.
“I’m not saying Don Jr. is not going to be able to sell his book because someone is going to buy this,” Gasparino explained. “He is getting some pushback from major publishers.”
The Fox Business reporter said that he had spoken to multiple publishers that shared the same concerns.
“They are questioning him as he’s peddling his book about the Mueller probe, worried about whether he might in fact be charged,” Gasparino said. “Put all that together and you’ve got people backing off this thing. Significant publishers.”
According to Gasparino, publishers have been grilling Trump’s son about his meeting with Russians in Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign.
“He comes away essentially flabbergasted, saying, ‘I can’t believe they’re still looking at this, I never had time to collude,'” he added. “So he is having difficulty convincing publishers on what he wants to pitch, as one person called it, a ‘defense of daddy.'”
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