This looks really bad for the Trump family. Rikki Kleiman reviews how serious the Trump Foundation Lawsuit is, in under a minute.
June 15, 2018

I'll tell you how it looks and it looks bad. Attorney Rikki Klieman told the panel at CBS This Morning:

RIKKI KLIEMAN: This is a serious lawsuit and this lawsuit has merit on a number of levels, including referrals to the IRS and the Federal Election Commission. What happened is they're saying that before the Trump administration when Donald Trump had this charity, so you have to look back not when he's president but back when he's in the campaign, when he had this charity since 1987 that it followed no law. That there are laws written that say how a charity must be run. There was no oversight.

OFF CAMERA QUESTION: Was it used for personal benefit?

KLIEMAN: Personal benefit. Paying off legal obligations, which you cannot do, and ultimately also used for the campaign in Iowa to have payouts about the veterans organizations just before the Iowa caucus.

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