Tom Perez reminds us that Gorsuch sits on a stolen seat, and his terrible decisions will have consequences for conservatives at the ballot box.
June 27, 2018

Two good things about this video. One, it's nice to see someone other than a Republican Congressman or Never-Trumper paid employee get some airtime on MSNBC. Kudos.

And secondly, it's great to hear the words "stolen seat" said out loud. Because it was, it is, and the more we assert that this court is illegitimate, the better. Good for you, Tom Perez.


HALLIE JACKSON: On the union front, big blow to public sector unions coming down from the Supreme Court. What can you can Democrats do from here?

TOM PEREZ, CHAIRMAN, DNC: We have to elect more Democrats.

JACKSON: Is this a mobilizing issue?

PEREZ: Absolutely. This is a blow to the middle class. And it is part of an unmistakable pattern from this administration to make it harder for working people to organize. And this decision you look at this decision, you look at the gerrymandering decision, the voter purge case, you looked at the case on women's reproductive health. What we know is is that the stolen fifth seat has reeked havoc on basic values. We saw yesterday with the Muslim Ban as well. We do not have a check and balance in the Supreme Court right now, in the Republican leadership in the House or Senate. The party of Lincoln is dead replaced by the party of Trump. And so what we have do, the most important thing we can do, is elect Democrats this November and that's what we're doing. We need a check and balance. This is the most dangerous president in American history. It is harder to make ends meet, harder to get health care, harder for women to get access to reproductive health. And you know what, that is wrong and we'll fight because this is an assault on our fundamental democracy.

And not just Mitch:

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