June 21, 2018

Sometimes all it takes is one image to capture the moment. The feeling. The message.

Like this one, taken a few days ago as a child was torn away from her mother's arms in the dead of night, which has now been turned into an absolutely scathing commentary on Donald Trump's family separation policy:

How about this one, taken today as Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States, boarded a plane after a "surprise" visit to a ripped from their arms children's "concentration camp". What does it say?

The Zara coat reads, on the back: 'I really don't care, do u?'


Her spokesperson denies there was a hidden message behind it and says:

'It's a jacket. There was no hidden message. After today's important visit to Texas, I hope this isn't what the media is going to choose to focus on,"

Well, I guarantee Fox would have been all over it...if it is a peace sign worn by Malia Obama, just like they did in 2009. Remember when conservative commentators went full on racist because Malia Obama wore a peace sign way back in 2009? My, how times have changed.

I bet they stay completely silent on this, though, and will bash any liberals who dare insult the "most amazing, brilliant, compassionate and poised First Lady ever."

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