This is big if true but I remain skeptical. Michael Cohen has sworn lifelong fealty to El Capo Trump and it's hard for me to think he'll flip, but the rumors persist.
CNN reports:
"He knows a lot of things about the President and he's not averse to talking in the right situation," one of Cohen's New York friends who is in touch with him told CNN. "If they want information on Trump, he's willing to give it."
Cohen is planning to hire Guy Petrillo, a former chief of the criminal division of the US attorney's office in Manhattan and an experienced trial lawyer, a source familiar confirmed. The source said all the paperwork and retainer may not have been finalized just yet.
The shift in legal strategy and signals of potential cooperation with investigators come as Cohen feels increasingly isolated from the President, whom he has been famously loyal to for more than a decade. Last week, CNN reported Cohen has indicated a willingness to cooperate to alleviate pressure on himself and his family.
I can't help thinking back to the sweetheart deal Cohen's partner just made, where he escaped what should have been a lifetime sentence, instead getting five years' probation in a tax evasion case. That was just for the taxi business. What kind of deal would Cohen cut to flip on Trump?
Still, I can see where he is frustrated by the way Trump has left him swinging in the wind, and loyalty generally ends where one's own hide begins.