June 6, 2018

Speaking at the end of a presser, outgoing Republican House member and yeah, current Speaker of the House Paul Ryan pulled out all of his courage and noted that yeah, sure, Donald Trump shouldn't pardon himself of all the crimes he's obviously committed.

"I don't know the technical answer to that question, but obviously he shouldn't, and no one is above the law."

Those words only took three days to come out from the Speaker's mouth.

Ted Cruz, eat your heart out!

And surprise, Ryan also agrees with Trey Gowdy that Trump's Spygate lie is just that:

I guess the bags are finally packed, because unless he's got an exit strategy, there's no way he'd be this bold.

I guess his RSVP (Mr. Ryan sends his regrets) to that "God Bless America" sing-along was lost in the mail, too.

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