Sen. Mitch McConnell's former campaign manager lied on Fox News Wednesday telling the cast of Outnumbered that liberal members of the Democratic Party are actually assaulting Republican members of Congress and Trump cabinet officials.
The lies that Trump surrogates tell on television are astronomical, and the Fox News Crotch Couch (tm) is their favorite place to dump their falsehoods.
Josh Holmes, who at 39 has already seen the best job he'll ever have, looks exactly like a number of Republican white males who appear on Fox News -- that Hogan Gidley DNA is strong with them. Holmes played the fool perfectly making believe that a single call to protest Trump officials by Rep, Maxine Waters has caused endless amounts of bloodshed being spilled in the streets of D.C.
He's embraced Trump's gaslighting tendencies to the max.
What a damn liar.
As Republicans in the House can't come together on a single immigration bill as their bill failed by a whopping margin, the Fox News co-hosts and Josh lie that the Democrats that had become ungovernable.
As they were talking about the upset win of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Josh Holmes targeted Nancy Pelosi.
Holmes tried to be cute: "After Pelosi, I'm not sure there's ever going to be an after Pelosi."
Idiot. Dude, your career has already peaked.
JOSH HOLMES: We are dealing with factions here led by the Maxine Waters, voices that are actively confronting and assaulting members of Congress, staff for the Trump administration - cabinet-level members..."
(The Crotch Couch tries to temper him.): Not assault. Let's be...
HOLMES: I saw video of Elaine Cho that was pretty close.
No, Josh, you didn't. You're seeing an outraged electorate that will not tolerate the psychological torture of children to achieve an unattainable stupid wall that only your stupid base believes will ever be built. But with Republicans, a sucker is born every minute so Josh is likely to pass for insider commentary at Fox until the next GOP white boy haircut and suit (Hogan Gidley clones, assemble!) needs a quick paycheck.
Frances Langum contributed to this post.