During an interview with The Undercurrent's Lauren Windsor, Rep. Louie Gohmert shares his innermost fears about migrant children.
June 18, 2018

Rep. Louis Gohmert spent a few minutes at the Texas Republican Convention sharing his sincere concerns about immigrants, and immigrant children in particular with The Undercurrent's Lauren Windsor.

After repeating the usual talking points about how it's just terrible that they're such lawbreaking little things, and how they're just following some twisted Biblical mandate, Gohmert got right to the heart of things.

"And by the way, there is none of this mistreatment of the children," he insisted. "They’re being treated extremely well. Better than, I mean the food they’re getting, the education, the exposure."

Isn't that nice? We feed them in their cages and give them a place to sleep in their cages, and maybe they get to play some things and maybe they have some time to learn things. We don't know where the toddlers are or where the girls are, but they're just treated SO well, right?

Well, Goober thinks so. He went on to tell Windsor, "There’s the possibility that people will be encouraged to come, so that their children can go into that kind of atmosphere."

It almost sounded like he was making an argument for behaving with more cruelty to dissuade those kids from the privilege of crossing the border and being ripped from their parents. You know, those crafty toddlers and elementary age children will do anything for an apple and some water, right?

Every time one of these Republicans opens their mouth I want to shove an apple in it before they eat their shoe.

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