Even Geraldo can't swallow this one. And takes both Hannity and some jackass from Judicial Watch to task for defending child separation from parents.
June 20, 2018

Uh oh, the truth has gotten inside the castle.

Last night on Hannity, Geraldo Rivera had reached his limit, and he smacked both Hannity and that douchebag from Judicial Watch who was on with him. (I'm not even going to look up his name I have so little respect for that)

Rivera made the only case a sane rational human being can make, which was likely jarring for regular Fox News Hannity viewers.

RIVERA: Politics aside, this is cruelty as policy. This is an obscenity. This is the government of the United States and the president that we both love, advocating a system by which young children are torn from their mothers.

History will judge us, Sean. We must take a stand on something. Here is where we draw the line.

Hannity tried spewing the Trump talking points: Democrats' fault, change the law, build the wall. It wasn't working.

2,300 children have been torn from their parents forcibly. These are little babies, 18 months old. These are 10-year-olds with disabilities. They're taken from their parents. This is impossible. We can’t condone this. The Republicans are the party of faith and family. When did we become the party of child abuse?

Rivera also rejected Hannity's bargaining. "He implemented this, Sean, on May the 7th and he can discontinue it tonight, and I hope he does." Rivera said.

Then he who shall be known as "Judicial Watch Douchebag" called Geraldo "hysterical."

"This is not hysterical! This is not hysterical!" Rivera shouted. "This is child abuse! How dare you! How dare you!"

And then Geraldo sent the personal attack back at him: "Just because you don't have sincere emotions, don't say I don't."

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