June 19, 2018

"Fox and Friends," did their job this morning by gaslighting the crisis the Trump administration created by implementing a zero-tolerance policy of separating children from migrant families.

Not only did the three co-hosts of propaganda defend and make-believe the law forced Trump into this, but Brian Kilmeade, a man of substantial means, lied to the high heavens and stated many of the migrant children in his very own neighborhood became a MS13 members.

How many would that be, Brian?

When it comes to immigration policy, always figure the Trump administration will implement the most cruel and inhumane way forward, and you can always count on the flying monkey brigade led by Gen. Kellyanne Conway, with Doocy, Earhardt and Kilmeade as her Lieutenants, to lie and gaslight with passion for their dear leader.

Steve Doocy did what Trump has refused to do so far which is admit that this policy is being used as a deterrent and something the administration owns.

Doocy said, "...separating parents from children at the border to make the point that that is the law of the land. You don't like it, change the law. Also, it's a message to people who are thinking about coming into this country illegally, don't do it because you'll be arrested and there's a possibility your children will be separated from them if they are, in fact, your children."

Ainsley Earhardt sadly said, "You can't even really blame an administration" claiming they are just following the law. "Your taxpayer dollars to make sure these kids are safe."

But Brian Kilmeade really got jiggy with the truth.

Kilmeade said, "We are $20 trillion in debt. We have classrooms that are overrun. We have teachers buying their own supplies. These kids come in — fantastic, Oprah Winfrey, I’m glad you’re upset about this.

He continued, "But these kids get fanned out to working-class neighborhoods into our society. And then they have to be paid for by English is a second language. And then they got to be schooled and a lot of them, sadly, in my neighborhood, turn into MS-13.”

Even though studies show that "In fact, most studies in the U.S. have found lower crime rates among immigrants than among non-immigrants, and that higher concentrations of immigrants are associated with lower crime rates."

A 2018 study found that undocumented immigration to the United States did not increase violent crime.[184] A 2017 study found that "Increased undocumented immigration was significantly associated with reductions in drug arrests, drug overdose deaths, and DUI arrests,

But the flying monkey's of propaganda will never admit to that instead concoct moronic excuses and insulting talking points to confuse the issue.

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