Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin tries circular economic logic with Ali Velshi. It does not go well for Mullin - Velshi is so out of Mullin's league.
June 11, 2018

Not sure who to feel worse for, here - Oklahoma Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin for being so painfully out of his league in this discussion, or Ali Velshi for having to having to attempt to have a conversation with this ill-informed, backwards-thinking Trump apologist. JUST KIDDING -- I never feel sorry for a Trump apologist. He got exactly what was coming to him.

I'm sorry, you just don't come onto Velshi's show about BUSINESS and ECONOMICS and try to wing it and make up crap on the fly. You'll get shredded, and you'll have deserved it. Don't pretend Canada and Mexico are violating the terms of NAFTA, or are unwilling to negotiate when their representatives are at the table.

Silly Republican. Do your homework, next time. If you get invited back, that is. Velshi seemed displeased...

Partial transcript below:

VELSHI: We gain jobs and we lose jobs every single month. Every single month that's how it goes. We've had years of job creation since 2009, since April of 2009 we've had job creation.

MULLIN: We were losing a lot of jobs, too. That's why our economy was flat.

VELSHI: Our economy WASN'T flat, our economy has not been flat. Congressman, what are you doing this for? I don't understand what you're saying. You're making up facts in front of me. You know i'm a business journalist, right? I didn't just fall off the Canadian turnip truck. I've actually been studying business for a while.

MULLIN: Our economy was strong before the president came in?

VELSHI: Yeah, that's actually what I said.

MULLIN: It was?

VELSHI: The U.S. Economy was strong before Donald Trump became president. You're not going to deny that to me now.

MULLIN: It was climbing at a very snail pace. Are you saying that the economy isn't better than it is now than it was before the president came in?

VELSHI: This is a weird circular conversation, sir.

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