White House Communications Office Is The Real Hunger Games
May 28, 2018

Donald Trump is obsessed with leaks. No, not this leak. He is obsessed with people who leak confidential or embarrassing information from inside the White House to the press.

We all remember when news broke about Kelly Sadler mocking John McCain during a White House meeting during which she said his vote regarding Gina Haspel didn't matter because he was "dying anyways."

Well, in any other administration, that person would have been told to pack up their desk and walked out by security within an hour. Sadly, we are living in upside down world and therefore Trump was only concerned with who leaked this statement to the press - not the fact that the statement was made to begin with. Talk about despicable, right?

Today we have even further reports of continued dysfunction in the White House Communications Department, and to be honest, is sounds a lot like the Hunger Games. You know, a dystopian world where tributes from various districts have to fight to the death.

In today's episode of the "White House: Hunger Games", Axios reports that Kelly Sadler totally shivved Mercedes Schlapp, her boss, right in the back.

Here's how it went down: Shortly after the "McCain is dying anyways" comment leaked to the press, Donald Trump had a meeting in the Oval Office with a group of communications staffers to talk about what happened and who leaked. At the meeting were Sadler, Schlapp, Raj Shah and John Kelly. Trump told Sadler she wouldn't be fired (duh) but he did say he wanted to know who was leaking.

So, who did Sadler say was the leaker? Her boss. Mercedes Schlapp. Well, Schlapp defended herself. Mind you, directly after the McCain comment came out, Schlapp publicly put it on the record that she stood with Sadler. And now, full circle, Sadler comes out and kicks her knees out from under her.

At this point, it is pretty clear that EVERYONE leaks in the White House. And it starts with the orange rotton fish head at the top: Donald Trump and his tiny little twitter fingers.

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