May 6, 2018

Saturday Night Live roasted Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani's lame attempt at damage control for Trump over the Stormy Daniels' payoff during their Weekend Update segment. Giuliani has been all over the airways making things worse for Trump, and I'd say Colin Jost described it perfectly when he called the recent media blitz the "Kings of Dementia Comedy Tour."

“Well, the clock might be running out on Trump’s presidency, so you know what that means: they’re finally putting in Rudy. But instead of making a great play, this Rudy immediately tackled his own quarterback,” joked co-host Colin Jost on SNL’s Weekend Update.

Jost, who called Giuliani’s slip-up “maybe the best confession I’ve seen on TV that didn’t end with ‘Created by Dick Wolf’”—a nod to Law & Order—further touched on how Giuliani alleged that the Daniels payment was “funneled through a law firm.” “Dude, ‘funneled’ is not typically a word innocent people use when talking about money,” said Jost. “No one says, ‘Yeah, my grandma funneled me five dollars on my birthday.’”

Then co-host Michael Che, not to be outdone, gave his two cents on the Giuliani disaster—including the Trump lawyer’s claim that Michael Cohen was reimbursed for the Stormy Daniels payment via a $35,000 monthly retainer.

“Rudy Giuliani is claiming that President Trump only learned a week ago that he was reimbursing Michael Cohen’s payment to Stormy Daniels in $35,000 installments,” said Che. “I have a couple questions, like: What kind of billionaire pays for stuff in installments? You’re the president of the United States, why are you paying for sex like it’s a NordicTrack?”

“And how did y’all land on $130,000?” he continued. “That’s such an oddly-specific number. I asked Stormy to come on Update and explain it, but her agent said ‘no’ because if she’s seen on camera with a black guy, her price goes down.”

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