May 4, 2018

Yeah, yeah, it's not hard to laugh with the subject is "Rudy Guiliani accidentally telling the truth to a horrified Sean Hannity." But Seth Meyers did a great job last night with his "Closer Look":


Trump would want a lawyer "who is calm headed and analytical” like...Rudy screaming incoherently at the Republican National Convention. Meyers noted that he hoped he had that much energy "when I'm 200 years old." “I love that Trump saw that and thought, ‘Get THAT guy in a room with Mueller!”

And then the infamous interview on Fox:

Sean Hannity is the only guy who’d say, 'Dear God, what have I done!', when what he has done is "journalism."

The amazing thing to Seth Meyers is that the truth was revealed on the easiest interview for a Republican in America. Memo to Rudy: You told the truth "on Hannity! You cracked under no pressure!"

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