May 15, 2018

Oh jeez, is there a leaker whose mask is as loose as Kellyanne Conway's? Here she is on Fox News claiming that people in the White House are likely to face "personnel changes" as a result of President Stupid's tweet:

Kellyanne is leaker number one, and we've known that for a long time.

Carl Bernstein outed her before the inauguration, when Buzzfeed published the Steele dossier (January of 2017)

CARL BERNSTEIN: Let's talk about what reporting is. It's the best obtainable version of the truth. That's what that story is. The best obtainable version of the truth is that the chief intelligence officials of the United States of America saw this material, thought that it deserved investigation, thought it ought to be brought to the attention of the President of the United States and to the President-elect. That is the best obtainable version of the truth. Another thing about anonymous sources, one of the great anonymous sources of our era is Kellyanne Conway. She does it every day. She has been an anonymous source for the last ten months particularly during this campaign when it suits her. and it's time to talk about what we do as journalists and what propaganda ministers do and that is what she is, is a propaganda minister. What we've seen here tonight is a deconstruction of the journalistic process. And we did our work and you can deconstruct it and it comes down to, look, the chief officials of the United States intelligence community believed they had something urgent enough to bring to the attention of the President and the President-elect of the United States. That is a story.

There's only one person who's a bigger leaker than Kellyanne, and you all know who that is.
Tengrain is right:

Anyone who thinks that leaking a snotty, mean-spirited comment from a D-Level comms staffer about Grandpa Walnuts’ declining health is a national security issue, please raise your hand.

No one? Maybe the word he seeks is betrayal? I doubt it. Comrade Stupid is demonstrating his basic operating principle again: L’Estate C’est Moi.

Look, many in the media are noting that Stupid leaks things to them on background all the time, usually mean-spirited, snotty criticism of his cabinet members and others. How do you think all those stories about him blowing up at John Kelly got into the press? Jeff Sessions? Of course he was the source! He’s promoting his reality teevee show prznintcy, and the press falls for it every time.

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