Donald Trump has been saying he wants to sit down with Mueller for months. In January he said he was willing to speak to Mueller under oath. In March he said he would like to, but his attorneys were not on board with the idea. In April Trump soured on the idea, probably due to the FBI raid of Michael Cohen's office.
Trump's legal team has been floating the idea of either a limited interview with a narrow scope or, in a perfect dream world where targets get all the choices, the option to answer questions in written format with no face to face interview.
Well, CBS News is now reporting that Mueller has flatly rejected that proposal. Oh, how did we get that news? Rudy Giuliani leaked it, of course.
Giuliani told CBS News' Paula Reid that Mueller's office has rejected the request to answer questions in writing. Obviously, this is ideal for Trump, as it would limit the risk of him lying, seeing as he cannot read or write and all answers would be crafted by his legal team. Although, his star lawyer (right now) is Rudy Giuliani, so who knows if written answers would be any better.
Let's see how Trump's responds to this news. I suspect we will have an angry tweet storm by 6am tomorrow.
UPDATE: (Karoli) An in-person interview should go well, if this is any indicator: