Any day now, we shall be released: I sense Friday coming.
How red must a "red flag" be, exactly, to keep guns from the disturbed? Asked by WhatWouldJackDo. (See the sort of person the Waffle House killer's mother is.)
Two thousand words' worth, from Hackwhackers.
Lock 'em back up, don't elect them!! The Carpentariat: "The GOP reverses career politics: Go to prison, THEN Congress" Not mentioned: West Virginny's G.O.P. Senate candidate Don Blankenship.
In the same vein, Balkinization on Mike "Termite Food" Pence, former sheriff Joe Arpaio & the "Rule of Law".
Green Eagle on guilt, the consciousness thereof, & Donald J. Trump.
By M. Bouffant, who also makes a mess at Web Of Evil (& Ennui). Send your suggestions/tips to