During a discussion on Wednesday's Special Report, Fox News' Bret Baier and the other panel members practically tackled A.B. Stoddard, stopping her in mid-sentence when she brought up the Washington Post article which has tracked Donald Trump's 3001 false or misleading statements to explain why his lawyers don't want him to talk to Robert Mueller.
The All-Star panel was discussing comments made by Rudy Giuliani, who is trying to strong arm the way in which Robert Muller would conduct an interview with the president.
Jonah Goldberg and Matt Schlapp treated the questions that were leaked to the New York Times and were written by Jay Sekulow as if the special counsel wrote them and spoke accordingly.
After playing more Giuliani audio, Baier said, "We don't know what Mueller has in previous interviews, who he talked to and what he's trying to get out of the questions."
Real Clear Politics' A.B. Stoddard explained that we don't know what the real questions Mueller would ask and included the new information that Paul Manafort may have reached out to the Russians directly.
Then she started to irritate her "colleagues."
Stoddard said, "Half the town thinks Rudy Giuliani leaked those questions like Judge Napolitano and many others, including Ty Cobb today, people don't believe in any way the special counsel leaked their own questions and it is the [Trump's] legal team that leaked the questions."
Bret Baier stoically asked. "For the purpose?" Come on, Bret, you know why Rudy would have leaked them.
"For dissuading the president from talking to Bob Mueller, because of course he's going to mess up if he answers 49 questions," she said.
Stoddard continued, "He tells nine untruths a day according to the Washington Post...."
Baier and the panel members groaned in a agony and interrupted her to get her off topic.
"Alright, alright, alright, Okay," Baier and the others said...
"If you were his lawyers you would not let him do this."
Discussing the many falsehoods Trump has made to the American people on a daily basis must be off-limits to all Fox News people.
Good for you A.B.