May 19, 2018

Donald Trump's propensity for making stuff up to brag about himself has become a global phenomena and even our closest allies are mocking him.

BBC Three took to Twitter to show how a real celebration is held.

"just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" says it all.

You may remember Sean Spicer's unofficial first and wildly insane WH press briefing.

He started off by attacking the media which hasn't stopped since his departure.

And then he started issuing excuses about the inaugural crowd size by saying things like, "fences and magnetometers went far back on the wall preventing hundreds of thousands from being able to access the mall as quickly as they had in inaugurations in the past."

He angrily continued, "Inaccurate numbers involving crowd size also were tweeted."

After he departed the White House, Sean Spicer regretted his actions about the crowd size.

“The inauguration, you brought it up,” Spicer said when asked to name examples of a moment he regretted. “There was an event where I was trying to talk about how evil Assad was and I screwed that up royally.”

Spicer, who served as President Trump’s first press secretary, got off to a rough start with reporters when he falsely claimed the crowd gathered at the 2017 inauguration was “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”

Spicer really seemed to love lying, don't you think?

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