April 13, 2018

Because every day is upside-down day in Trump's America, Trump is expected to pardoned Scooter Libby - convicted for lying obstructing the investigation into who blew Valerie Plame's cover as a covert CIA operative (punishment for her husband opposing the Iraq war.) Got all that?

Yeah, Valerie Plame appeared on Hallie Jackson's show this morning to point out that this pardon is intended for an audience of exactly THREE PEOPLE: Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and Jared Kushner. It is all about making sure Trump's presidency is protected, and projecting the message to those who hold his secrets that if they stay loyal to Trump, pardons are in their future regardless of what crimes they commit. When Jackson asks about the morale in the Intel Community, Plame confirms what we all know - that it is terribly low because of Trump, and this is likely to lower it further.

Plame also points out the richness of the irony of Trump's calling James Comey a liar and leaker when he is about to pardon Scooter Libby who was convicted of - you guessed it - LYING AND LEAKING. And I have not even worked in a reference to the pee tape. Oh, wait. Yes, I did. Just now.

Aaaaaaanyway, just another fun thing to talk about while we worry about John Bolton, (Syria, Iraq, Korea, Russia - Giddy-up, Cowboy!) Scott Pruitt, (WHERE IS MY SECURITY DETAIL I NEED MY BLANKIE AND NOBODY SAY ANYTHING MEAN ABOUT ME) and Betsy Devos, (Why do schools need pencils, again? And teachers? Why do they need teachers?)

As if that will keep Mueller from breathing down his neck.

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