Just because Arizona has a special election today, and has a history of voter-suppressing f*ckery doesn't mean this wasn't a silly glitch and totally coincidental, amirite?
PHOENIX, ARIZONA — As residents of Arizona’s eighth congressional district cast ballots in a special election to replace former Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) in Congress, roughly 140,000 of them may be unaware they are eligible to vote because they did not receive the ID card the county is required to send them after they register.
According to the Arizona Republic, Maricopa County officials have not sent all voters the cards they can use to cast a ballot under Arizona’s voter ID law because of an issue with the company used to print the materials. The paper reports that just 60,000 ID cards have been mailed to people who recently registered or changed their registration, while about 140,000 have not been sent.
Adrian Fontes, the county recorder who oversees elections in Maricopa County, told ThinkProgress on Monday that he’s not concerned with what he sees as a “little hiccup in printing.”
Fontes, a Democrat who ran on a platform of fighting voter suppression, said every voter already received a ballot or a sample ballot in the mail. He said voters who don't have the voter ID card should not be turned away from the polls Tuesday if they have other forms of acceptable ID.
I think we can assume that at least some voters won't know that -- and simply won't try.