April 22, 2018

Queen of “alternative facts” Kellyanne Conway came up with another whopper Friday night, this one designed to be a gotcha about James Comey’s supposed bigotry. Maybe her microwave wasn’t watching but the Fox camera was!

Apparently, Conway thinks that if she accuses Comey of racism, people will somehow forget that she serves as adviser to the bigot in chief, Donald Trump. Maybe she also figured we’d forget that his firing of Comey smacked so much of obstruction of justice that it led to the appointment of a special counsel in the Russia probe.

On Watters World tonight, Conway delighted host and informal Trump adviser Jesse Watters when she said, “Jim Comey has some kind of weird problem with powerful African American women. He goes after Condoleezza Rice and he goes after Loretta Lynch.”

Conway's "evidence" for her claim about Lynch was in one of Comey's memos., He wrote that Eric Holder (also African American) was "smarter and more sophisticated and smoother" than Lynch. In his new book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership, Comey described Rice as, The New York Times put it, “uninterested in having a detailed policy discussion of interrogation policy and the question of torture.”

By that standard, Conway should not even want to appear on Fox News, given how they spent eight years attacking Barack Obama for everything from suggesting he was not born in the USA to holding a "hip-hop BBQ" that "didn't create jobs."

“It sounds like he’s making enemies everywhere!” Watters said gleefully.

Of course, there’s nothing remotely sexist or racist in Comey’s remarks.

Watch Conway play the race card with her latest set of alternative facts above, from the April 21, 2018 Watters World.

h/t NewsHound Richard

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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