I guess Wingnuttia realized that their Billions for Billionaires tax cuts are not the secret sauce to win Possum Hollar after all.
“As Republican leaders scramble to stave off a Democratic wave or at least mitigate their party’s losses in November, a strategy is emerging on the right for how to energize conservatives and drive a wedge between the anti-Trump left and moderate voters: warn that Democrats will immediately move to impeach President Trump if they capture the House. What began last year as blaring political hyperbole on the right — the stuff of bold-lettered direct mail fund-raising pitches from little-known groups warning of a looming American ‘coup’ — is now steadily drifting into the main currents of the 2018 message for Republicans.
“The appeals have become a surefire way for candidates to raise small contributions from grass-roots conservatives who are devoted to Mr. Trump, veteran Republican fund-raisers say. But party strategists also believe that floating the possibility of impeachment can also act as a sort of scared-straight motivational tool for turnout.”
All of which leads me to think that this might help to lead The Left to turn out (and if such a thing still exists as an old school centrist Republican) to ITMFA, so you know Wingnuttia, GO FOR IT.
Crossposted from MockPaperScissors
Editor's Note: ITMFA stands for "Impeach the Mother F**ker Already."