As my colleague Karoli noted this morning, if you read the tweets regarding Hope Hicks yesterday you’d think she was the Madonna. These old farts can’t admit it’s just that she’s 29 and hot that they give a damn.
She was also inexperienced enough that they could manipulate her to get to her boss.
Partial transcript per Media Matters:
ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI: Hope, if you're watching, my agent has called me and said "please let me represent Hope Hicks," I said I'll give her a call.
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): She can work at the Fox News Channel, she's good.
GERALDO RIVERA: I can't speak for other reporters but she was my lifeline to the president. When I needed to speak to the president or I wanted to be with the president like the Mar-a-Lago meeting just a week and a half ago.
HANNITY: Geraldo, little known secret, she was everyone's lifeline. She talked to everybody.
RIVERA: She was everyone's lifeline.
And don't miss the part where Scaramucci calls her an "entrepreneur, like you, Sean, you built this up from nothing, and the Trump kids."