Comrade Stupid finds himself in the unwinnable scenario again, this time with Stormy Daniel’s impending lawsuit. As you know, Michael Cohen, Stupid’s stupidest lawyer (and I don’t say that lightly) paid Daniels a cool $130M Ameros to buy her silence (allegedly out of his own pocket, though now he’s whinging about not being reimbursed), but in all the rush, Prznint Stupid didn’t actually sign the agreement, thus making it null and void. Daniels wants to talk about it; there’s money in them thar hills, so to speak.
So if you are Prznint Comrade, which do you do argue:
A) that your agreement to pay hush money to porn star Stormy was a valid and legally enforceable contract, or
2) that there is no contract, and the porn star is free to talk about your affair?
Given that it is already being leg-i-gated on the front pages, I’m not sure it matters, but it is unwinnable for Trump and easily winnable for Daniels.
Also/too: bonus points if Melania gets out ahead of this and does some disrupting of her own and divorces this dummy.
crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors