Republican strategist Rick Wilson joined Brooke Baldwin on CNN to talk about Donald Trump's "Stormy Situation" and boy, did it get heated. Rick got the (dis)pleasure of meeting Paris Dennard, MAGA Trump lover and idiotic sycophant. It is clear that Rick came armed with intelligence, wit and passion while Paris came with delusion, blinders and stupidity.
Here is how it went:
Wilson said that Trump's despicable behavior with Stormy Daniels won't hurt him "politically" because he feels like his base is "secure." He added:
“They’ve told us over and over they will tolerate any amorality, any scuzzy behavior. We have to think about Melania’s prenup with him. There may be a money equation there as well that he’s putting at risk.”
Notice, Trump has remained completely silent about Stormy. Not one tweet. Odd, right?
Well, when Baldwin asked Dennard why Trump has remained silent, he said that “the president* wants to dignify this story, true or false … this is something that is terribly embarrassing for the first lady.”
Sure, thing, Jan.
Wilson jumped in:
WILSON: Can I jump in on this for a second, Paris? I feel you’re struggling here. Let me help you out here....Trump has had a long pattern of engagement with a variety of women to whom he is not married....
Are you telling me that [the GOP] never once brought up the fact that Bill Clinton screwed his way through Arkansas? No. They did it all the time. It wasn’t the fact that he did it before he was president.
DENNARD: That's different because Clinton was the attorney general and was a sitting governor of Arkansas and the claims came via someone who was a sitting elected official.
WILSON: Is your standard of behavior so low? If your standard is that low, if your standard is that low, if you’re okay with him screwing porn stars, just say the words, ‘I’m okay with Donald Trump screwing porn stars.’ Can you say that for me, Paris?
DENNARD: I will say that you have no respect for Mrs. Trump, you have no respect for his children, you have no respect for his family.
WILSON: No, I’m sorry. Don’t you dare talk about respect when he insulted the [Khizr] Khan family, when he insulted John McCain’s war service. A man who has no respect for anyone on this earth. The fact that you’re defending him on that speaks much more about your character.”
DENNARD: I don’t know you, Rick, but I would advise you to not question my character because you don’t know me.
WILSON: Just say it. Say ‘I love Donald Trump screwing a porn star!
After some more back and forth about how Dennard would have acted had it been Hillary Clinton making a payment, he conceded that it would have led to a negative reaction...but excused it as “apples from oranges.”
Wilson dove back in, gloriously, and dealt the TKO:
“The argument that Donald Trump’s lifelong pattern of infidelity, adultery, shattering every vow of every one of his marriages by his own admission and the fact that Donald Trump screwed a porn star—I don’t think Melania Trump will be more embarrassed by what Michael Cohen or Stormy Daniels has to say than by the fact that a few months after she had a kid her husband was screwing a porn star. That’s what you’re saying that’s okay. I get it. you accept that, that’s part of your moral landscape, good for you.”
Rick Wilson - 1
Paris Dennard - 0
Wilson tweeted this after the segment wrapped: