March 20, 2018

Finally, some is pointing out that Republican policies, not just Trump's embarrassing behavior and illegal grifting and colluding with Russia, are behind the Blue Wave that is coming this fall.

Former Representative David Jolly said it. I don't always like Jolly, he's a bit of a lifeboat builder for the Republican brand and I have a full-on #BurnTheLifeboats policy, but what he says here is true and long overdue:

DAVID JOLLY: Let's be honest. The Republicans have done this to themselves. They own this. If you look at the record of this Congress, they tried to repeal Obamacare without a replacement, they passed a tax bill that benefits the wealthy, and in the wake of a national tragedy like Parkland, they've done nothing. If you're that Lancaster secretary that Paul Ryan tweeted about, all you've gotten is a $1.50 a week toward your Costco membership and a healthy suspicion that the Republican Congress is looking out for your boss and his stock portfolio, and not yourself.

Lawrence also brought up the weird fact that Paul Ryan hasn't yet announced that he is seeking re-election to his own House seat (Go Iron Stashe!)

JOLLY: I'm not sure Paul Ryan wants to come back and be in the minority. He probably would not be the Minority Leader having lost Republican control of Congress. There is nothing left in the Republican agenda between now and the election. The agenda is baked. Probably only bad news if it has to do with Mueller or Stormy Daniels.

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