"Tuesday has no feeling."
-- U.S.P.S. Letter Carrier Newman, on Seinfeld
montag, posting from the burned over district, notes these United Snakes under Trump may well end up like the former Soviet Union. Feature, or bug?
Also in Decline of the American Empire: Comrade Misfit on trade war & (soon-to-be-Sen. from Utah?) Romney & the Russkies.
A thousand words' worth, from Reading The Pictures.
Also w/ an image, Trump goes a-golfin', again & again & again & ... from jobsanger.
The Rude Pundit on the paucity of intellect among the bitterly clinging deplorables, who've added "Whiteyness" to the guns & religion to which they were clinging.
Compiled (over several hrs.) by Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant.