WARNING: Trump smut; may induce nausea, disgust & revulsion.
The "It would be irresponsible not to speculate" Friday Edition; here's some speculation from If You Only News: "A COURT FILING JUST SHOWED THAT TRUMP IS PROBABLY HIDING AN ABORTION WITH MISTRESS" Oh my.
Only possible reaction: "Let’s Pay Stormy Daniels NOT To Release Pictures of A Naked Donald Trump", suggests Joe Hagstrom at MADMIKESAMERICA.
Copernicus of Brane Space examines the history of the concept/phrase "America First!" Not pretty. Sordid, even.
Much as I try to avoid him, he's such an effing jerk it's almost impossible not to type something. "Clueless Trump Tells Steel Worker His Dead Dad Would Be Proud: ‘Oh, He’s Still Alive’" Whoops! Srsly, WTF is wrong w/ him? Via Andrew Simpson, Deep State Nation.
Bonus fun from Green Eagle, looking at loons from the past. Does the name Billy James Hargis ring a bell?
Compiled higher & deeper by M. Bouffant. Reminder: Your wknd. will not be complete if you don't read me ranting here!