It's hard to see on the video because clearly the MSNBC people (not willing to take on a competitor on the air, perhaps?) moved her pin to the top of her shoulder. It said "FAUX NEWS" and it looks like this:
And what she had to say about Trump's so-called "legal" team cut right to the bone:
JILL WINE-BANKS: [Nixon] had a very large and pretty high-quality legal team, which is not the same as we're seeing here where the lawyers are not your top-tier lawyers. Ted Olson has turned down the opportunity to join the team. He would have been a top-tier lawyer. So I think that Nixon treated his lawyers fairly well. He followed their advice. I don't know whether he was completely honest with them. I don't know if he told them the truth about, for example, the 18-minute gap. But he did not fire his lawyers and he didn't try to bring in new ones to disrupt the workings of his current team.
...The [legal] advice that the president is getting is not good. It's not just what he mentioned in terms of John Dowd, but remember John Dowd also sent an e-mail to the media over the weekend saying he was speaking on behalf of the president and then said, oh, no, I'm not speaking on behalf of him, I'm speaking on behalf of myself. He tweeted for the president or at least he's now claiming that he tweeted for the president that he had taken action because Flynn had lied to Pence and to the FBI. that was very damaging to him. so he's not getting good advice from John Dowd and he's not going to get good advice from di Genova, who is more of a talk show agitator than a serious lawyer. and he will only make it worse because he will encourage Donald Trump to go for his own worst instincts.