Since persistently smearing former FBI director James Comey has not moved him to appear on Sean Hannity’s television and/or radio show, Hannity is now framing it as Comey’s patriotic obligation.

March 31, 2018

Since persistently smearing former FBI director James Comey has not moved him to appear on Sean Hannity’s television and/or radio show, Hannity is now framing it as Comey’s patriotic obligation.

Comey has a number of sure-to-be-blockbuster interviews scheduled as part of an upcoming book tour. Hannity must be burning up with jealousy knowing the high ratings that everyone he hates will get when Comey appears on their shows: Rachel Maddow, Stephen Colbert, Anderson Cooper and George Stephanopoulos, e.g. It must be especially galling for Hannity given that he is regularly losing to Maddow in the ratings these days.

Night after night, Hannity complains that the other hosts won’t ask Comey any of the important questions, which for Hannity means grilling Comey about his supposedly wanton-lawbreaking in order to undermine Donald Trump. Then Hannity all but begs Comey to come on the Hannity show and/or The Sean Hannity Show on the radio.

On March 21, 2018, Hannity devoted a mini-monologue to the plea and, after insulting Comey, painted it as his patriotic duty to submit to Hannity's questioning: HANNITY: Comey’s big audition is getting off to a pretty predictable start with none other than Clinton BFF and sycophant, turned ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos. They think George is going to give Comey a hard-hitting—Comey a hard-hitting interview? I don’t think so. Probably not. […] And not to be outdone, conspiracy TV, MSNBC they now have scored a big interview with James Comey now Trump hater. The former FBI director will appear on the Rachel Maddow’s show. It’s true. Birds of a feather they really do flock together. […] HANNITY: And finally, the icing on the cake James Comey’s late night appearance with probably the biggest anti-Trump person in America Stephen Colbert. If this interview goes well, Comey could finally find himself accepted into Hollywood’s inner elite circle. What an honor! And James Comey shouldn’t have had a hard time hitting a home run on Colbert’s nightly Trump bludgeoning. […] Without a doubt, James Comey in all honesty, he is the most arrogant, egotistical, self-righteous individual I’ve ever seen in the public’s eye. He’s going to fit right in with all these leftist hypocritical friends of his in Hollywood and I have no doubt that his big audition will be very well received by every liberal in the country. And according to a new report from the Hollywood Reporter, well, Comey he might just get his chance. Comey is now considering offers to make his memoir into a movie or a TV-based film. And with all of that said I hope James Comey proved me wrong. James Comey, you are invited I will give you a full hour on this show. I will give you three full hours on 570 radio stations, the best stations in America. America deserves answers. Jim, it’s time to answer the call.

According to TVNewser, one of Comey's scheduled interviews is with FNC's Bret Baier on Special Report (April 26). Does Hannity think Baier is in the tank for Comey, too?

Last night, Hannity was at it again, this time making it a personal appeal on top of a patriotic one: HANNITY: All I have to say, Jim Comey, good luck. And, by the way, given the upcoming investigation by the DOJ’s inspector general that we learned about today on potential FISA abuses, you may, Jim, want to rethink that book and that book tour. James Comey, remember, in this country, you do have the right to remain silent. With that said, you are still welcome on this program, Mr. Comey, as I’ve said repeatedly. We’ll give you the entire hour. This is the highest rated hour in cable news. I’ll also give you three hours on my radio show on 570-plus stations all over America. It’s time to give the American people the answers they deserve. Why do you continue to duck us? I’m beginning to take this personally.

Yeah, Sean, I’m sure your phone will be ringing any minute now.

Watch Hannity’s hilarious pitches to Comey above, from the March 21, 2018 show and below from the March 28, 2018 edition of Hannity.

(Transcript excerpts via

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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