March 20, 2018

Since the alleged bomber in Austin Texas allegedly sent the latest bomb via FedEx, it must not be a racial thing, says Brian Kilmeade. Transcript via Media Matters:

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): They've already got at least 500 officers. They flooded in last night. 236 interviews. They have over $100,000 in reward money. If they are getting close to this person, or these people, we don't know about it. Clearly this was -- this area is northeast of San Antonio. So we'll see what happens because for the longest time it's been -- these packages have been placed. Now, FedEx workers, and maybe the U.S. postal system, has to feel as though they are in the line of fire. How are they going to change their procedures today?

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Well, apparently, according to one of the local stations down in Texas, the wife of a man who works at the Schertz, TX, FedEx facility was told after this explosion he was not allowed to leave. Clearly they're trying to figure out what happened. In the meantime, in Washington, D.C., three members of the Congressional Black Caucus called Monday for federal officials to classify the bombings as a terrorist attack and determine whether or not they are ideologically or racially motivated. Also the NAACP has called them acts of domestic terror and called for vigilance and caution for the communities of Austin, TX.


KILMEADE: The racial component of this has to be diminished somewhat. In the beginning, they looked and said, I wonder if the color of somebody's skin has something to do with this. But when you have a box that seems to just be on a conveyor belt at a FedEx building, you're not really targeting anyone specifically, unless you actually know the shift schedule of the people in that building.

DOOCY: Or perhaps it was intended for -- there is a story out there that apparently the package was bound for Austin. We don't know who in Austin was going to be on the receiving end of that particular package.

Here's a detective's deduction for ya, it's obvious from the evidence on hand that Brian Kilmeade's mission in life to make sure there is a daily need for the facepalm gif.

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