February 25, 2018

Fox News allowed itself a moment of clarity yesterday. It was only about 5 minutes long, but in that brief time, Fox's favorite Army Colonel outlined the reasons why having assault-style rifles in the hands of anybody, let alone disturbed teenagers, is utter madness, a societal failure. And in that respect, he's right. In terms of gun violence, the United States has let itself become a failed state.

Source: Oliver Willis

Speaking with Fox News host Neil Cavuto, Peters called foul on these dishonest claims while noting he is a Second Amendment supporter and a gun owner.

“These weapons — AR-15 and similar weapons — are not for sporting purposes,” Peters explained. “You don’t take them hunting because they’re meant to tear bodies apart. They tear up the meat.”

“The purpose of the AR-15 series weapons is to kill and maim human beings. That’s it,” he added.

AR-15 rounds are “meant to just tear the body apart so that the wounded person can’t get up and fight again” Peters explained, noting that the weapons were designed for use in war.

“Having those weapons in civilian hands is madness,” he said, a sentiment which runs counter to the NRA’s message.

Regarding the sheriffs who didn’t enter Stoneman Douglas High during the shooting, Peters noted that while they were carrying the handguns, “they’re hearing that semi-automatic fire inside — pop, pop, pop, pop. It’s like going in there with bare hands.”

“It’s pathetic that we’re so wrapped up around AR-15s that we don’t want to protect children,” Peters said.

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