Sadly, it won't stop Trump or his puppets over on state-run TV, a.k.a. Fox "news" from trying. MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid took apart Trump for making the latest mass shooting in Parkland, Florida all about him during her opening this Sunday.
REID: While he survivors of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida are taking Donald Trump and the NRA to task for their inaction, the president true to form is making the horrific death of 17 students and teachers all about him, and his sad and desperate need to deflect from the Russia investigation.
After the FBI admitted that it failed to follow up on a detailed tip about the shooter six weeks before the shooting, Trump used the admission to continue his crusade against the FBI, tweeting, “Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove the Russian collusion with the Trump campaign—there is no collusion. Get back to basics and make us all proud!”
So here's the thing. The FBI is a federal agency employing approximately 35,000 people. Many of them investigate major crimes, murders, cyber-crimes and the like and, yes, they are supposed to follow up on tips about potential violent crimes like the massacre in Parkland.
Indeed, someone at the FBI failed to follow up on just such a tip called into the public hotline in January about the Parkland shooter.
But it's an entirely separate part of the FBI that investigates counter intelligence—things like say, an American presidential campaign colluding with the Russians.
Mr. President, the massacre of those kids was not about you, but Robert Mueller and the FBI's investigation of the your campaign, that's very much you about you, and you can't end that investigation by trading on the deaths of children.