Tomi Lahren, Fox News' blonde-haired, blue-eyed millennial Jeanine Pirro-in-training, treated her angry online audience to another installment of "why liberals ruin everything," this time setting her sights on the really stupid Tide Pod-eating craze.
As you might expect, Lahren laid it at the feet of liberals in her factless unhinged rant.
"The left, which dictates popular culture, brainwashes young people into believing they live in a world where 64 gender options are up for selection, everything is free, Beyonce is a god-queen, and eating detergent is funny!," she ranted.
Lahren, mostly famous for her rants against the Affordable Care Act when she herself was covered on her parents' plan as a result of it, seems to think she has a much wider understanding of human nature than she actually does. In her rant, she tried to give some advice to people who have actually reproduced and managed to raise some adults who aren't stupid enough to eat Tide Pods, some of whom undoubtedly had liberal parents.
“I know what you’re thinking — the Tide Pod Challenge couldn’t possibly be political, could it?” Lahren asked.
Preaching with an air of wisdom she does not possess, Lahren waggled her rhetorical finger and said, “Actually, yes it is. It’s just the latest symptom of a larger problem -- the breakdown of the American family. It’s what happens when kids aren’t taught boundaries, respect, consequences, or logic."
So I got to wondering about who it is in the political sphere who might be sending kids a message about boundaries, respect, consequences, or logic.
Behold! It was not liberals! I think about Donald Trump being elected after bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, and wonder why there were no consequences, and there was no respect shown to those women.
I think about the idea of Nazis and misogynists occupying high-ranking positions in our school systems and how there are no consequences, boundaries, or respect.
I think about how Fox News uses its platform to spout venom and poison the body politic. It's almost as if they shovel poison pods into the minds of their viewers daily, addicting them to fear, hate and more venom. Always more venom. And I think, where are their boundaries, respect, consequences or logic.
Absent. Forever absent.
Grow up, Tomi. Learn to make a living doing something other than shoveling hate pods in viewer's brains. Oh, and quit projecting.
(h/t Raw Story)