Scott Walker Signs Bill Making It Legal For Toddlers To Hunt With Guns
Credit: Michael Vadon
January 27, 2018

You have to be a teenager to drive a car, but it's okay for little kids to hunt with guns? I'm glad I don't live in Wisconsin, I don't have a Dayglo vest. Thanks, Gov. Walker:

Wisconsin’s nine-day gun deer hunting season starts this weekend, and this year, for the first time, children of any age will be able to hunt with a firearm while accompanied by an adult. Last Saturday, Gov. Scott Walker quietly signed into law a bill that lifted age and firearm restrictions on adults hunting with small children.

In Wisconsin, hunters need to be at least 14 years old and pass a hunter’s safety class to hunt alone, but the state’s mentoring program allowed children 10 and up to hunt with an adult. The new law eliminates this age restriction, as well as lifts a ban on hunters carrying multiple firearms when they’re hunting with children.

Licences for the children now able to hunt under the new law went on sale Monday, making Wisconsin the 35th state to have no minimum hunting age.

The bill was introduced in the state legislature in July, but its signing comes just weeks after two mass shootings and amid a national conversation about gun control.

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