January 24, 2018

Charlie Dent is retiring from Congress after this term. That explains why he feels free to reject in no uncertain terms the "conspiracy theories" some of his Republican buddies are promoting as the Mueller probe distraction of the day.

Dent went so far as to praise the fine men and women at the FBI.

Dent told CNN he had "no idea" about any FBI "secret society," telling
CNN's New Day host Alisyn Camerota that Sen. Johnson's wild claims about a secret society in the FBI.

He said, "I do believe that the men and women of the FBI are good, honorable, professional people. I’m sure there are some bad apples, but we have a process to deal with that. I think it’s important that we not undermine the American public’s confidence in the Justice Department and the FBI.”

She asked, "Do you think some of your colleagues are undermining the FBI?"

Dent said, “Well, I am not prone to conspiracy theories, I really am not. I wish some of my colleagues would temper their rhetoric. We Republicans have often sold ourselves as the party of law enforcement, not just the state and local level, but the federal level as well.”

He said that these people put their lives on the line every day.

Camerota followed up by asking, "Do you think it's possible that some members of the FBI have formed a secret 'skull and bones-esque' society?"

Well, look, I guess anything’s possible, but I can’t imagine there’s some grand conspiracy here,” Laughingly he said, “Call me skeptical.”

It's f***king crazy that this is a topic of discussion, but in the age of Trump, ludicrous attacks to distract from the Mueller investigation are daily occurrences.

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