Whoooo! One helluva week, last week. Doubt if we can top it (Let's hope we can't!) but we'll give it the old college (Drop-out, & from a total of three separate institutions!) try.
Nazis & Reefer: Some are agin it, some fer it!
Hammer Of The Blogs checks Gen. John Kelly's "adult card": It appears to have expired.
No, no, not Trump's "work-wife", Ivanova!! Robert Mueller's investigation may now also involve Ivanka Trump, via The Immoral Minority.
And, Yastreblyansky vs. the perpetually awful Dinesh D'Souza.
Photo bonuses: Kittens! At First Draft. Decline & falling down at Scholars & Rogues.
Bonus bonus: Sadly, No! making noise.
Hoping your New Yr. hasn't already turned to crap, I remain your faithful & obd't. servant, M. Bouffant. (Available uncensored, unfaithful, vicious, hateful & very disobedient at WEB OF EVIL (& ENNUI).)