Well, we know why Trump is gunning for Rod Rosenstein now. Apparently he asked Rosenstein for a loyalty oath and did not receive it.
According to CNN, there was a meeting in December with Trump, Rosenstein and White House Counsel Don McGahn, where Rosenstein was asking for Trump to help block document demands from Rep. Devin Nunes.
Pamela Brown reports that Trump "had other things on his mind."
"The president asked Rosenstein where he thought the investigation of links between Russians and his campaign is headed," Brown reported. "And he went on to ask whether Rosenstein was, quote, on my team."
Rosenstein oversees Mueller's investigation, so you could understand why Trump would be interested in securing his absolute fealty.
According to Brown's sources, Rosenstein "appeared surprised by the president's comments and questions, responding to the effect of "Of course we're all on your team, Mr. President."
CNN points out that Rosenstein was asked about loyalty oaths during a congressional hearing last year, where Rosenstein was asked point blank about the loyalty oath demanded of James Comey, and answered, "Nobody has asked me to take a loyalty pledge other than oath of office."
The inference there is that adhering to one's oath of office can also mean being faithful to the administration, but really, he should have simply declared loyalty to the United States Constitution and left it there.
But it didn't stop with veiled requests for a loyalty oath. According to this report, Trump also suggested specific question members of Congress could ask Rosenstein in the hearing.
This one is a doozy.
Brown reports: "One was whether Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 election because Mueller was not selected as the FBI director. CNN has reported that President Trump has been venting to his aides in recent weeks and even raised the possibility of firing him. And sources tell us that President Trump believed Rosenstein was upset that Mueller was not selected as the fbi director and responded to that by making him special counsel. It does not appear the questions that the president tried to plant with members of Congress were ever asked in that meeting."
This is how you know this report is accurate. Rosenstein would not have been that petty and chickenshit, but Trump would. This is exactly how Trump thinks. He's driven by little slights and revenge for them. Trump's world revolves all around Trump. There are no higher principles, no moral imperatives. It is simply a world where man-babies take, and man-babies take away.
So of course he's out to hammer Rosenstein. No loyalty oath and an imagined revenge factor play into the larger strategy of discrediting the law enforcement agencies and personnel actually living up to their oath of office -- to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.
Wait until Donald Trump finds out no one is on "his team" when even the rats on the ship start abandoning it. That time is coming. I sense it.