Air Force One Scheduled For $24 Million Refrigerator Upgrade
January 29, 2018

We have recently discovered that Air Force One has five “chillers” (refrigerators) on board, with each one having 70 square feet of storage space. Your average home refrigerator has about 20 cubic feet of storage.

Two of them apparently need replacing. The cost? $24 million. Dollars. Taxpayer money.

Honey, for that much money, they better not be able to tweet on their own.

It remains unclear if both airplanes that serve as Air Force One need their chillers replaced. That would double the cost.

Eric Schultz, a former senior adviser to Barack Obama, reacted to the news by tweeting that “we would have been impeached” if the previous administration had carried out such an upgrade to Air Force One.

No kidding.

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