While holding his son Billy, Jimmy Kimmel made the case for CHIP, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, last night.
Republicans are using CHIP funding as a bargaining chip for their tax cut plan, probably to force Democratic support. (Because there are no moral lines they won't cross, of course.)
“It almost certainly covers children you know. About one in eight children are covered only by CHIP,” Kimmel said.
“Now, CHIP has become a bargaining chip. It’s on the back burner while they work out their new tax plans, which means parents of children with cancer and diabetes and heart problems are about to get letters saying their coverage could be cut off next month.
"Merry Christmas, right? This happened because Congress, about 72 days ago, failed to approve funding for CHIP since the first time it was created about two decades ago.”
He asked people to call Congress and ask them to fund it now. Unfortunately, he put up the wrong number. Here's the right one:
You know what to do. Do it for kids like Billy who don't have millionaire parents!