December 8, 2017

Well, now a Republican Congresswoman has asked for the lovely and charming Blake Farenthold to step down.

Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah) wants Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) to resign from Congress after it was discovered that he used $84,000 in taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim.

“I don’t think he thinks he’s done anything wrong,” Love told CNN Thursday. “But the fact is, someone was paid off. It’s taxpayer dollars that [were] used. This is about people taking responsibility for what they do and changing the culture in Washington.”

No, no, Mia, Honey, he knows he did something wrong. First, he harassed a woman and said crude and vulgar things to her. Then he knows that he paid her off with taxpayer money. That’s double wrong. He knows it or he wouldn’t have tried to hide it.

Editor's Note: This is where I remind everyone that Rep. Blake Farenthold also expressed a desire to shoot some lady senators for not bowing to his desire to repeal the health care law. If the duckie PJ shot wasn't enough to convince people of his attitudes toward women, that ought to be.

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