December 19, 2017

The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee became immediately uncomfortable and defensive trying to justify some of the provisions that benefit the wealthy in the new tax cuts bill and attacked MSNBC's Morning Joe's rating to defend himself.

Willie Geist opened up the interview by asking why the tax bill broke a Trump campaign promise by delivering a boondoggle for private equity firms by not getting rid of "carried interest" provision that only helps the very wealthy.

"Why is carried interest still in this bill? What's the benefit to the American people?"

Instead of answering the question since 'carried interest" does not help the American people, Rep. Brady got nasty and replied, "This is the perfect issue, the disconnect between Washington and New York and the American people."

Brady pulled out the "real American" card idiocy, but it Trump is the one who said he wanted to kill this loophole.

Instead, Brady launched into his Kellyanne Conway talking points about the confidence fairy and whatnot to deflect.

"Look carried interest we could talk about that for the next hour if you would like, but for most Americans, they could care less about that. they care about their paychecks. and getting the economy going. frankly."

Actually, Americans do care about a bill that benefits most of the top earners in this country. If they didn't then the American people would support this bill whole heatedly, which they are not doing.

Geist told Brady that it's possible to hold more than one thought at a time and Brady said, "Not necessarily."

Brady then became mean since he didn't have a Fox News host to polish his ego.

Geist asked again why this provision was still in the bill.

All the non-partisan analysts have said the middle class gets screwed while the rich make out like thieves in the night with Trump's tax bill, but Brady harped on how the bill will create jobs and bring businesses back into the country.

So, Geist tried one more time to get him to answer the question.

Brady replied, "This is it. That's the best question you've got?"

"No, it's one of many questions we've got."

"Carried interest? Seriously."

Mika jumped in, "Hold on. can you answer it?"

After again reiterating Trump's campaign pledge to Rep. Brady, asking if that was important, the Chairman got fed up, didn't want to answer so he said, "I'll concede you're obsessed with one issue. rather than the bigger picture"

Geist then asked if the bill benefits wealthy private equity firms and Rep. Brady denied it saying "No it doesn't."

Echoing Trump, Rep. Brady continued, "At the end of the day, keep talking about this. This is why the American public turns off these shows, unfortunately, because they are not dealing with the real issues Americans care about.”

Scarborough jumped in and said his ratings are the best they've had.

"People aren't turning off our show." Brady kept trying to interrupt him, but Joe refused to be stopped.

"Kevin, let me talk."

And so he did.

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