Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office over the weekend shot down Republican complaints that emails from Trump's transition team -- including inner-circle members like Jared Kushner -- were illegally provided to investigators.
Mueller's Office Shoots Down GOP Objections On Transition Emails -- And Shows Why The Trump Team Is Screwed
December 17, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office over the weekend shot down Republican complaints that emails from Trump's transition team -- including inner-circle members like Jared Kushner -- were illegally provided to investigators.

After Mueller's office obtained thousands of emails from the Trump transition team, officials with Trump for America claimed that the emails had been illegally turned over by the General Services Administration because the account owners never received notification about the request.

That assertion was immediately shot down by top Democrats and career law enforcement officials.

"Their claims themselves are weak and are meant to persuade people who know nothing about criminal investigations," former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti tweeted on Saturday.

In a statement to Buzzfeed early Sunday morning, Mueller's office rebuked claims that investigators obtained the emails inappropriately.

“When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process," Special Counsel's Office spokesperson Peter Carr told BuzzFeed News,

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