Always wondered what camels call Wednesdays.....
The Psy of Life: Why do Republicans coddle and shield their sexual abusers, while Democrats repudiate theirs? Maybe it's due to different concepts of morality.
Brane Space: Trump still has the hard-core Trumpanzees totally hypnotized, to their own detriment as well as ours.
Ranch Chimp: Your tax dollars pay for millions in hush money to keep victims of Congressional sexual harassment quiet.
A Little Reality: A Roy Moore bedtime story of when America was great.
Bonus link: I wish Trump, Moore, Farenthold, Franks, Ailes, Weinstein, Franken, etc., etc., etc. had met this person early in their careers. Might have been educational.
Blog round-up by Infidel753. To recommend a post, send link to mbru [at] crooksandliars [dot] com.